Photography today has acquired great commercial value and has become a source of earning and comfortable living. The reason for this is simple, its growing demand. As we all know, photographs are used on admission forms, application for issue of a passport and numerous other official documents. No marriage function or a party is considered complete without a photographer. We see newspapers in the morning, carrying photographs of persons and places to make the news catchy and captivating. All Govt. functions have photographers to record various activities. We see trade advertisements displayed by many commercial and industrial organisations which carry photographs of machines, equipments and other specialities with which the organisation may be dealing. A photographer has thus become an indispensable part of economic and human activity. It is now a profession with great commercial value and a good source of income.
Photography, once upon a time was exclusively a man’s profession. But now there are a fair number of well known women photographers although very few have reached the top in this field. Women still have a little more difficulty than men gaining entry, especially to press photography.
There are several areas in which photographers may specialise, the most common specialities being (1) portrait work (2) commercial photography (3) industrial photography (4) press photography (5) aerial photography (6) educational photography (7) free lancing work etc.
If one wants to become a successful photographer, he should possess
(1) manual dexterity and some artistic ability.
(2) He should have an eye for form and line.
(3) an appreciation of light and shadow.
(4) He must be able to use imagination.
If one aspires to become a press photographer, he should posses good health and stamina since he has to work for long hours, work in emergencies, work in all kinds of weather and possibly under many varieties of hardships. A press photographer may have to travel often to distant places.
Quite a large number of institutions are now offering courses in Photography. These include a number of Government recognised institutions providing diploma courses/training in photography. The courses vary from six months to three years duration in the different institutions. Some of these institutions are :-
Certificate Course University of Allhabad, No specific academic 1 year
Allhabad-211002 requirement
Diploma Course Bhopal Vis
hwavidyalaya, -do- -do-
Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal-26
-Do- University of Gorakhapur -do- -do-
Diploma course Film &Television -do- 3 years
(Motion picture Institute, Law college Road,
Photography) Pune-411004
Diploma course. Sri Venkateshwara -do- 1 years
University, Tirupati,, District-Chitter
517502.Andhra Pradesh.
Diploma Course. Ravi Shankar University, -do- 1 years
Raipur, Chhatisgarh.
-Do- Academy of Photography, -do- -do-
-Do- National Institute of Design. -do- -do-
Most of the metropolitan cities have several Institutes for imparting training in photography. Also art colleges of most universities in the country offer specialization in photography in the Bachelor in Fine Arts courses. Polytechnics also offer courses on photography after +2 or equivalent level of education.
Photographers have several options, such as freelancing, working in studios, being attached to advertising agencies, Government organisations, research institutes, industries, fashion houses and other specialist organisations such as newspapers, magazines, news bureaus, news agencies, publicity departments and tourism development corporations. The Govt. employs photographers on a regular pay scale to do general photography documentation, for covering day to day events and functions and for making photo features and captioning. If one sets up a studio, he can be sure of safe and comfortable earning.
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